Wednesday, March 28, 2018

It has been almost over two years since I posted on this blog. In fact, I abandoned it due to changes at my place of employment, change of work hours (I have become a member of the graveyard shift brigade) and financial issues have dominated much of my time and thought.  Truth is I haven’t had much time for creative endeavors.  A lot has happened over the past two years, somethings to be grateful about and others that left a dent. I find that when I disregard or put creativity on the back-burner eventually I get out of kilter.  My return to the creative muse has been long overdue and a necessity.

I have decided to start a series primarily for Tee Shirts based on a twisted version of Alice in Wonderland. I know the concept isn’t new, American McGee originated it and Timothy Burton ran with it so I figured it is fair game for me to do and apply my own, somewhat haphazard vision.
Below is the first in the series, The White Rabbit. The original was done in pen and ink, ballpoint pen and pencil. I was really pleased with the outcome, but I decided if I wanted to do it for Tee Shirts I would have to make it pop a bit. Hence my return to digital coloring via my Walcum Tablet and Photoshop. 

Below are the two versions, the original pen and ink and the digitally colored version.

I waited before posting the Tee Shirt for sale until I received one from Zazzle to check the quality of it. I received it today and was pleasantly surprised that the enlarged image held.

After seeing the final product I decided to place them for sale on a new section I created entitled "Go Ask Alice."  This will be the first in the series. The characters in Alice in Wonderland are odd enough as they are, but I intend to add my own eccentric touch. Apologies to the purist. 

In other news, seems that my Oncologist only wants to see me once a year instead of my regular visits. I am officially in remission. So I may just grow into that creepy old man feeding ducks at the pond yet.