The sketch below I dubbed "General Gaston Lupine of the third order of the Lupus Brigade and commander of the Pepperbox Pistol Platoon of Basilica". It was inspired by watching Brotherhood of the Wolf".
It needs a lot of cleanup, but to be honest it is more of a sketch (that is my defense and I am sticking to it.)
This probably won't be the last either. I actually find that I need to do this occasionally to keep from taking myself to seriously and frankly they are fun.
It was done with a combination of Uni-pens, ballpoint, Pilot Maicia Hi-Tech pens and mechanical pencil. And of course a lot of Mars plastic eraser.
It was done in a Piccadilly Sketch book. I find the pen really loves that paper, though it is rather thin.
Below are other examples of my Anthropomorphism drawings.

Often they end up taking a character of their own and I really
don't know where they will lead. It is just letting the whimsical
side of me come out and play.
Most of these are done primarily in ballpoint.
Of course there is an obvious Steampunk
They also have been good therapy. Creativity such
as art, writing and music have always seemed to
be essential elements with recovering cancer patients.
I am really trying to be a good patient. =)
Before signing off I want to say recreating a presence on the internet isn't easy especially after being absent for sometime. I was working on an online web comic before cancer cut me down. It was called Sanctus Sanatorium. It was a rather elaborate tale set in the town of Obscuro and the collection was going to be entitled Tales of Obscuro. One day I may return to it. If I do, it will probably begin from scratch. I was up to 30 or more pages before I was diagnosed. It was done in a combination of pencil and digital coloring. If I do decide to return to it, think it will be in black and white, done traditionally in pen. Right now though I am not at the stage where I can commit that much of my life to it. With continued Oncologist visits and working full time it has taken me all of the last two years to regain some sort of balance. In time maybe.
It is now time for tea...
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