Friday, February 12, 2016

Gene Wolfe and February May Have an Agenda...

We are into the second week of February and I suspect she has an agenda.

I promise more art soon. (I am supposing that is why you are here?) I know you are not here to read into my personal world.  After all I am just another smuck blogging on the interwebs.

Right now I am having a rather love/hate relationship with Gene Wolfe.  Reading The Sorcerer's House.  It began like a dark country road overhung with tree limbs frozen in an obscure semaphore illuminated by the moon.  Then out of the corner of your eye you see a lady in white funeral tresses with black eyes pointing an accusing finger at you. You almost want to stop and go back to see if she was really there but then decide it is better not knowing.

Then it escalated into fantasy. Sometimes I think my imagination is too finite for Wolfe. I loved the beginning and concept of The Shadow of the Torturer, but it lost me somewhere in the middle.

I am very happy to be reading again. There was a time when I actually couldn't digest a paragraph let alone a sentence. Everything you read about Chemo brain is real, even I didn't want to believe it at first. I wanted to say it was anxiety, perhaps a combination. Thankfully though, people like my Mother, who has been through chemo and others that went through it gave me hope that it would pass. Though my short term memory is still rather shot, it is getting much better as time passes. 
It is Friday before a three day weekend which means it is going to be a long one. It is also payday...and I know where an awesome book store is.

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